Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Goodbye Oregon & London, Ni Hao China

After years of dreaming and repetitively talking about moving overseas, the time has finally arrived. Our planning (aka arguments about what to bring, visas issues, etc) over the past 6 months is complete and our bags are packed. It was great to spend some quality time with everyone before we left and we look forward to seeing all of you when we are back in Oregon.

Last night in Eugene at Izakaya Meiji Company (Whitaker Neighborhood)
For our last night in Eugene we went out for a rowdy late night in the “Whit” and drinking down by the river. I could not have asked for a better send-off. I am going to miss our climbing and kayaking trips.

Saying goodbye to family at PDX is hard (not to mention it is 5am and I have a slight hangover). The mix of emotion is intense. I am excited to begin a new adventure/chapter in my life, but it is difficult to say goodbye at the same time. I will miss them greatly and look forward to returning home in the future.

I love 6am flights.
Sitting in the airport and looking at the plane that will take us to China. I always envisioned this moment being more exciting but at 6am, I just want to go to sleep.

Can you find the sun through the smog?
The plane has landed in Beijing and I stop to take a picture on the sky bridge. I was immediately struck by how the smog was so thick I could barely see the sun.-JDK

This made our drive from the airport a rather limited experience and led us to conclude at the time, that this must be one of those ‘off the charts’ pollution days discussed in the moving to Beijing guide book. Later we came to find out that those ‘off the charts’ pollution occurred in the winter and that it was actually a fairly typical summers day in Beijing.-LS

Airport Shuttle and Introduction to Beijing Driving
We arranged for a minivan to shuttle us and our luggage from the airport to our hotel. The ride began with us speeding out of the airport parking lot and onto the freeway. The driver begins to weave in and out of traffic like we were being chased by the cops in a movie. I reach down to put on my seat belt but could not because of the protective seat cover. I jokingly ask LS how well the seat covers will work when we get in an accident. Just then we pass a truck with a huge cargo load that was dubiously secured and heavily leaning to the right. I think to myself, I can’t wait to ride in a taxi in downtown Beijing.

90th Anniversary of Communist Party
We arrived in Beijing during the 90th anniversary of the communist party and throughout Beijing there were patriotic signs, parades, displays and events.

Winterless Hotel Room
Out new home for the first week in Beijing at the Winterless Hotel. Notice the glass wall to the right, a common feature in may apartments and hotel rooms is to have a glass wall between the bedroom and the bathroom.

View from hotel window
The view out of our hotel window. If you can see through the smog, the office building on the far right is where LS will work.

30 Cents and Climbing Related!
The next day we went to the store to buy a few groceries. I was excited to find a beer that was climbing related and only 30 cents. I think I have found a beer to replace Pabst!